I didn’t know how powerful my “why” could be,
until i found my “reason to breathe”
Sarah Ross
Sarah Ross is an international award winning speaker and bestselling author who uses her own experiences with Burnout and Depression to help others avoid the dark place that she found hersel f in when she left the corporate world. She founded “Your Reason to Breathe” as a way to show those burning out at work that there are steps that can help turn the dark and depressing into an empowered and fulfilling life.

Whilst volunteering at an orphanage for disabled children in Vietnam, Sarah found not only her “Reason to Breathe” but a wealth of business and life lessons in the everyday activities of the children at a state run care facility. She attributes her own recovery from Burnout to learning how to prioritize herself over work and that smiling and laughter were powerful remedies to fight the negativity of burning out.

Her unique experiences whilst volunteering give her valuable insights into resilient leadership and team dynamics that all organizations can benefit from.

Sarah now works with corporate executives and their teams to help them strengthen their own resilience and thrive by using the power of “Your reason to breathe”, whilst empowering those teams to be self-supporting so that everyone becomes the best version of themselves whilst achieving great things for the organization.
Having spent over 16 years in Compliance, Ethics, and Process Improvement, Sarah combines a wealth of business experience with the unique business lessons she learnt through volunteering and her recovery from Burnout to help businesses retain and supporting their top talent whilst still delivering on the bottom line.
Sarah has an LLB in English and German Law from the University of Liverpool and is a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountancy (ICAEW). She has worked in a variety of industries and to date, has covered more than 100 countries. She is currently based in Oxford, UK but travels internationally to speak and consult with her clients.